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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Work-Family Conflict, Burnout and Value Co-creation: The Specific case of Salesperson

Published: May 27, 2020


Simão Machado, Universidade do Minho; José Pinho, Universidade do Minho; Gina Santos, Universidade do Minho


Value co-creation Salespeople; Work-Family Conflict; Burnout


Value Co-creation in this paper is viewed as a joint process between the firm and the customer to create customer satisfaction and subsequently loyalty leading to competitive advantage in the market. If the process of creating value relies in personal interactions, salespeople, by definition, lead the interaction between the firm and its customers. However, the sales activity is currently under deep pressure due to the role’s salesperson play in both the organization, where they work, and the active role in the family. This factor may affect personal relationship with customers and the way they address customer needs, affecting, as a consequence, the Value Co-Creation process. The aim of this study is to shed light on the individual salesperson’s emotional states, regarding Work-Family Conflict and Burnout, in creating customer value co-creation.